Big Contest – Fabulous Prizes!

The shadowmite hacker team is looking for a graphic to fit in the place of the top graphic on our website, so you photoshop saavy minions have a great opportunity! We are currently running a no holds barred contest of graphical prowess the likes of whitch we havent seen since… well since the last time we held this contest. There are fabulous prizes to be won, along with fame and glory! The rules are simple… the coolest looking image wins. The image has a maximum size of 720 pixels wide and 108 pixels high, it must be largely black to fit the look of the website, contain the words “Shadowmite Hacker Team” and possibly show interest in pdaphones, computers, computer programming, gadgets, reverse engineering, and our online community. After all that, everything is open to the artisic abilities of our userbase. The winner gets his image displayed at the top of our website, a $20 gift of whatever we have that would possibly interest the winner, instant fame, and the awesome honor of being an honorary member of the shadowmite hacker team for a day. Pease send all entries to, and well thats it. No fine print, no special rules, enter as many times as you like. The winner will be notified by email at the close of the contest.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Tuesday August 15 2006at 09:08 pm , filed under News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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