Random Babble about Palm’s GSM release of the next gen treo

This story doesn’t appear to give us anything really new that we don’t know, except for the speculation that palm knows (should know, hopefully knows, and/or isn’t completely ignorant to) the fact that if it releases one more device without wifi built in, it’s all over, and the investors are gonna leave them… We’ll have to see…


This entry was written by shadowmite , posted on Friday August 18 2006at 01:08 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Response to “Random Babble about Palm’s GSM release of the next gen treo”

  • spymongoose says:

    Although I agree that the next generation of treos should include wifi (as should have the past 2 generations IMHO) I dont think of these as being the “next generation” of treos. For starters, there havent been a 700w or 700p for the GSM market yet, and I only see these as a delayed entry from the current generation of treos. I think we are going to see little innovation from these treos a sleeker body with no antenna nub, and only because marketing a GSM device requires a “nubless” design. The internals are going to include a GSM radio in the place of the EVDO radio, obviously, not really an upgrade im my opinion. Why anyone expects any noteworthy advances from palm at this point is completely beyond me.