The Life and Times of the Motorola Q

Oh Q, we hardly knew ye! The Motorola Q is taking flak after being in the spotlight for some time. It isnt really the Q’s fault either… it seems that Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Edition, the operating system that gives the Q the abilities it has is also responcible for the Q’s limitations. The Q’s hardware is second to none, matching the processor, memory, screen size, bluetooth radio, and CDMA EVDO radio with the ppc6700. It occurs to me that the hardware has pushed the operating system to its limits. As I see it, all the flak that the Q is taking comes from 2 main souces: poor marketing, and users discovering the limits of Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Edition. The Q is no slouch according to Audiofx81, our resident Q test pilot. The size makes the treo look and feel like a bloated hippo by comparison, the OS makes you want to grab a stylus and go for it. The Q out multitasks the treo 700w, as the 700w shuts down programs as it runs out of ram. It seems the lack of touchscreen is its biggest fault, or is it? The Motorola Q seems to embody Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Edition’s strengths and faults. The Q’s top end hardware showcases the best of Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Edition, and perhaps its critics should realize that some of that blame is with microsoft and not just the Q.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Saturday August 19 2006at 03:08 am , filed under Cell Phone Related, WM . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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