Lockpicking: The “New” fad…

Its not like anything new has been discovered here folks… nearly every concept applied in lockpicking has been around for a long time. It seems that the “lock bumping” fad (basically the lazy sloppy way of defeating typical house locks) has reached an all time new low, as one 11 year old girl at defcon demonstrated. According to the article, this little girl, with no experience or concept of what she was doing, opened a lock easially with this method. It just goes to show that a person with motives or intent to commit a crime can do so on any level. Brute forcing passwords, defeating locks, stealing identities, robbing people at knifepoint, the tools and methods involved are redially availiable to whoever wants to employ them. These are all crimes, and if those methods are used for sporting purposes only (as in the lock picking event at defcon) lock bumping should be viewed as cheating or at least the equivelent of a lock based “script kiddie.” I dont mean to deter creativity, like using a ballpoint pen to open a bikecycle “U” lock. But if a sport allows participants with no talent, no skills, and no effort, then that sport cannot thrive (unless that sport is called nascar, and the lack of talent is made up for by lots and lots of beer).

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Thursday August 24 2006at 11:08 pm , filed under Hack Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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