WM5 Insecurity?

Several tech blogs are covering an article outlining security flaws in Windows Wobile 5. The first image I get in my head when I hear that is some horrible coding flaw would allow hackers to see my notes, my photos, and my top scores on Bubble Breaker. This is total crap, and the article (except for the title of course) outlines this. Of course mobile devices arent as secure as we like them to be… hell most of us dont even use passwords just because of the inconvenience on an otherwise perfectly convenient device. Why would we carry these things if they werent “convienent”… data structures are simple to unravel, the last thing a mobile device needs to do is increase the processor load with various levels of encryption. The primary reason leading to windows mobile insecurity? Its the fact that WM5 devices are easy to lose/steal/borrow and to be hacked at the hackers leisure. So if you want to keep information protected, here are a few ideas: First there are several password programs that can keep your passwords safe. Second, evaluate what sensitive information really needs to be on your device. Third, dont lose your device in stupid places. And fourth, if you have to have sensitive data on your mobile device, WM5 has a built in password lock that is secure enough to protect against causual hackers and thugs.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Tuesday August 15 2006at 12:08 pm , filed under News, WM . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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