Linux PDA-Phone About To Hit Europe


It seems that the  german phone manufacturer “Road” didnt read the previous entry on our blog, and they are going to release a linux pdaphone anyway. No not one of those overwhemingly gay linux phones that act just like normal cell phones, but an honest pda phone that puts WM5 and PalmOS in their respective places. Their website (in german) claims that the device was designed specifically to “be just as simple and easy to use as a normal cell phone, to make voice calls and SMS, to use VPN software to access home pc’s and servers, have a pc style keyboard and screen layout, touchscreen, and to be fully compatable with GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/WCDMA networks. Unlike previous commercial linux offerings, this will also incorporate may common pda style features like an adress book, calender, outlook sync, pop and imap email client, and an office viewer (MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe PDF). Other features are also just as impressive… a 640×240 screen inside and a 105×65 screen outside, 63 keys inside and 20 keys outside, linux kernel 2.6.x running Quopta, a 2MP camera, wifi, bluetooth, irda, usb2.0, full size sd slot, CPU Intel Xscale PXA 263 at 400 MHz, 64MB RAM, 64MB Flash, and wheighs in at 210g with a battery, and 128x60x25mm closed. It basically tells access and thier fake palm-linux and the sony MILO where to go stick it. GSM here I come!

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Thursday August 17 2006at 01:08 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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