Antivirus Program availiable for WM5 and WM5 Smartphone

Although no PPC’s have, to the best of our knowlege, caught any malicious code from deviant and ill meaning people (the term hacker doesnt seem to fit but you get the idea), that doesnt mean that our devices will always be virus free. Shadowmite looked in the concept of malicious code on the treo 650 and found that the results could potentailly be very destructive. For the very paranoid WM5 ppc, WM5 Smartphone, and or symbian user, a free antivirus program called “Spybot” is availible. A few basic safety tips might help keep your PPC virus free… Simple things like dont open .CAB files or executable programs if you have no idea what it is or what it does and dont connect to devices that you dont own.

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Wednesday August 16 2006at 04:08 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, WM . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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