Sifting Through the Rumors Around the Sprint Treo 700wx

A screenshot has been circulating around numerous tech blogs that gives us the sprint name of the windows mobile treo. Little else is known but rumors are rampant. One popular rumor is that sprint doubled the ram from the verizon 700w. I have started a discussion of facts around this claim, and included the alleged screenshot, so that details can emerge prior to sprints release. If you have any fact based info to back up any of these claims, please post it in that thread. If you are an insider and anonymity is your thing, you have several options… you could create a new account , Private Message, and/or email to

UPDATE!!! more info on the Treo 700wx inside

This entry was written by Spymongoose , posted on Saturday August 19 2006at 11:08 pm , filed under Cell Phone Related, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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